The worldwide Baha’i Community is Diverse and Dynamic! Here we offer a glimpse into some of the things Baha’is are doing around the world.

More than 430 Baha’is from 12 different countries attended this Norwegian Baha’i Summer School. The program involved workshops, lectures, prayer, meditation, music, and even a wedding. Some of the themes of the sessions were “A Just World Order,” ” The Path of Divine Love,” “Social and Economic Development Projects,” “Consultation,” and “Health and Healing.”

Two representatives of the Baha’i International Community addressed a High-Level Roundtable on “Financing for Gender Equality” at the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women on 25 February 2008.

Participants at the 2004 Baha’i Summer School of Croatia and Slovenia.

Education of children is very important in Baha’i Communities around the world. Here a group of teachers of Baha’i Childrens classes in Nicaragua are holding certificates of recognition they received for the valuable and important services they performed.

This model ship was a gift to the Universal House of Justice from the President of the Island Nation of Seychelles. It is on display in the Seat of the Universal House of Justice which is located at the World Center of the Baha’i Faith on the slopes of Mount Carmel in Haifa Israel. The Seychelles archipelego is located in the Indian Ocean about 1000 miles off the coast of Kenya.
The Universal House of Justice is a nine-member body elected by the National representatives of the Baha’i Communities around the world. The authority for the formation and election of this institution comes from the explicit text of the Baha’i Writings. It enacts all ordinances not explicitly revealed in Baha’u’llah’s Book and all Baha’is are instructed to turn to it for guidance during the Dispensation of Baha’u’llah.
Images © Bahá’í International Community